Work: Cafe Plaid employee..
School: Anthony David Hair Academy
Other School: Oklahoma City Community College for the Fall Semester
Living Situation update: Kate Thompson, Emily Thompson, and Carter Faisen for Summer.
Fall Living update: Katie, Chuck, and Johnna.
My heart is wanting to be poured out into the things i am about to lose my life to. Much of my day is spent at plaid, but is now much of my time will be spent in OKC, at hair school. I currently have 587 hours of 1500 total to complete my schooling. Classes are from 4:30 to 8:30 P.M., every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday; and Saturdays 9 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Tomorrow i continue my education in Hair Design. I love doing hair a lot! My hands desire and long to touch and fix the hair of people. Of strangers, of lovers, of friends, of those who seek His face. My heart desires to lead those who are weak and unsatisfied into a place of comfort. I love to tell people they are beautiful, and the Lord has given me the ability to help people feel and look beautiful. I praise the Lord daily for putting in my spirit the desire to help people feel beautiful. As my hands touch those who are lost and hurting, the broken and the wounded, i pray for anointing hands, that as i wash their hair in the sink, it will be an anointing oil of Joy and gladness over them. As the old is washed away physically, the new comes. That the spirits that overwhelm them will have to go in Jesus' Name. And then, Love and hope, joy, all things that are good from the Lord will captivate them and posses their hearts. They can't help but feel His spirit as i began to cut and color, dry and curl.
Lord posses the heart's of your lovers. Take them captive and draw them close to you as I spend time with them in a tiny, silly salon.
Fill me with the spirit of love for that place. Love for the people who work there. Love for the old smelly cat lovers who come in for perms. You love them, and therefore i must as well.
Come, holy spirit. Sweep me away like a sweep away hair on the floor.