It's finally getting cold outside. I'm really happy about that, as long as i have enough clothes on. I love Winter time the most, as long as i have a coat for my shoulders and a scarf for my neck.
Although it's Winter, I'm starting to feel like Summer. Dry, parched, and mostly thirsty. It feels like i hear the same things every week. I continue to re-learn everything i learned two years ago. I was filled with new-ness. I was excited to be growing in new friendship. The most blessing I've ever received. Today i can only remember those thoughts and feelings. Yes, I am still visited by the blessings. Yes, I still know those people, but somehow life turns and we lose our acquaintance.
However, I've decided to learn from this Summer. This desert-like land. It's almost a desert. It's more of a desert surrounded by flourishing plant life, that's fenced in. Fenced in with the most beautiful picket fence anyone ever saw. I can smell the flowers and the fruit. I can reach over the fence, pluck a leaf off of the most beautiful tree that's ever grown, and produce it's shape in the sand I'm standing in.
I'm not quite tall enough, aaaaaachoo! I'm allergic to the tree, and I can't seem to get the lines right in the sand. And my feet are burning.
I think I know everything there is to know about this jungle. Of course, I've only studied it from just outside the fence, and maybe just on the outskirts of in, but I've mostly found myself in this deserty land. Kind of here, but constantly curious about the greenery growing. I'm hoping to discover something new, but I can't seem to go farther into the trees. I'm scared? No. I'm bored? Maybe a little. Um, I'm distracted? Absolutely.
I know more about the jungle than i do about the sand, so maybe it's time to do some exploring. Learn all i can about the sand, my burning feet, and all about distraction.