i want to write a song about love. Being in love with the Lord. He tells me i am beautiful and i want to tell Him He is beautiful. The stars are screaming at me to look at them, He says gaze into my sky, I made those because they represent who I am. I am beautiful, the blue in the sky, the light of the stars, they are a picture of me. The bridges you walk across, the hills you play on, those look like me too. I painted a picture of myself that you love. You loved it so much, that you realized it when i told you that I was talking to when you were playing in the parks, when you rolled down the big hill, when you walked over my bridges. I love you Alex. I know how much you love flowers. Those are me too. I really love it when you smell flowers. That is what I smell like. I smell like fresh flowers and inscense, oil, any good thing you have ever smelled. I made that. I know how much you love my smell, that is how much I love you. I love you. I think you're great. I think you're beautiful. I know how much you like it when i tell you you are nice, but i know that you love it when I tell you how much I love you, when I tell you how beautiful you are. I know you love me, but I love you more than you can even imagine. I think you're even better than anyone has ever imagined feeling about you.
I know that you want motherly love, but I am that too. I love being your provider. I love taking care of you when you cry. For healing your body when you are sick. Holding you when you want to crash and fall. I love guiding you and giving you direction.
I want to be your pops too. I made a precious daughter that I want to protect. I want to interrogate every boy you bring home. I want the best for my little girl. I want to tell you you are my favorite daughter. I want to give you away at your wedding day to the man I prepared for you perfectly. I can't wait to tell you how beautiful you really are when you will be wearing the perfect white dress i chose just for you. You look ravishing.
I know you want your freinds to love you, Alex. I want to be your companion. I want to tell you that I think you're cool. I like your hair. Your outfit looks cute. I want to tell you secrets that no one else knows. I want to call you my bestie. I want to tell you you are the best friend I have ever had.I love everythig about you. We just click, you and I, we are like a hand and a glove. Alex, you're my bestie and I love you.
Alex, i know your desires. I put them in you. I know what you want and how much you want it, Becuase that is how much i want them for you. I know you want the love of a husband, but I am that too. I am the most handsome man you will ever come across. You think you have met someone great, you don't even know. I am preparing you someone perfect, and he loves me just as much as you love me. I love him just as much as I love you. I can't wait to reveal my plans for you. I am your plans right now. Today. I am your knight in shining armor. I am going to recue you from danger and sweep you off your feet. I want to carry you around like a child, effortless and passionate. I love you, you are so beautiful, that is what i will tell you when i lift you up so easily and gaze into your eyes. You are lovely, i make precious things, just for myself. I delight in you Alex, I made you perfectly for Me.
The love of the Lord is strong and passionate. There is all types of love and the Lord displays them all to me. Jesus is my lover, he is my passionate lover who romances me. He tells me stories when I gaze into the skies and look at the stars, when i walk across a bridge, and when i sit peacfully in a park. He loves me as my father and mother, as my friend and lover. Jesus, you are the ultimate lover. You gave yourself to me because of how much you love me. Your love surpasses all my understanding.. I cannot fathom how you feel about me. I know i have human emotions that are fiery and thrilling, but You. The creator of love and passion, let me gain the knowledge and understanding of how deep your love goes. Teach me your ways oh Lord, Let me be lovely for you. Let me feel the way i know you feel about me. i know You love me, let me believe it. Keep speaking to me about how you feel, for i love to hear from you. You are beautiful Jesus, thank you for your heart.
Dayna Alexandra Ford.
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This is beautiful. Truly.
It's encouraging to see that you are able to acknowledge and accept the Love that God has for you and the Fact that He created you wonderfully and beautifully. So many people don't let themselves hear that . . . it's good that you see it.
Thanks again, this was encouraging and humbling.
Jon, you are to sweet. the Lord has been teaching me so much, it is just hard to believe the things he says sometimes. I have to keep telling myself these things.
Thanks for reading, and keep enjoying.
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