Monday, April 27, 2009

A few months have passed

Man, I can't believe it has been almost a month since i have posted. It seems that a lot has happened in my life over the past couple months. The Lord has been teaching and growing me in so many different ways. I have gained so much.

I started a new job at Cafe Plaid. The famous hangout of Norm. Commers. by far. A place that the Lord has single handedly chosen to be special, to be full of light rather than darkness, and full of lovers, rather than those who are hurting and in pain. The employees are also full of the spirit and willing to love.

At some point i realized i was hurting, a little before Spring Break.
A certain person in my life pointed out to me that it was obvious. I went through 3 days of prayer and realized that this person was right and i had to do something. I had to do something to lift my spirit. I was struggling and didn't even realize it. I had numbed myself to feeling pain by those i loved the most. I sacrificed many things that i didn't even realize. After talking with the Lord and getting REALLY nervous, I had the opportunity to speak out what was hurting me to the person that was hurting me. I was TERRIFIED. The Lord came through for me. I knew that in having a suck conversation SO much good would come out of it. And it did. Since then, the hurting has stopped and the love of my friend and i has just grown and grown. I love my friend very much.

Another thing I'm thinking about: a tattoo...
My MOM will KILLLLL me.
There is a little piece of me that is some what serious about getting one.
Isaiah 44 has been my favorite chapter of the Bible since 2006. I really like it. Since i discovered it a few years ago the first few verses stuck out to me very much. It speaks of things of belonging to the Lord. And the word "Jeshurun" is written. Which means chosen one. For some time now, I have been striving to give ALL of my heart to the Lord. ALL of me. ALL of me. I desire to be "rid of myself" and belong to the Lord fully. It's silly cause that's the theme of a friend of mine's life and it feels a little stolen, but It's good i guess. Anyway, the Lord has been speaking so sweetly to me. So beautifully and perfectly. I do belong to the Lord. I am his and he is mine. So, through all of this i want something to show for the way i feel about the Lord.
I also have a thing for trees, and I have said for years now that if I ever really did get a tattoo, it would be of a tree. SO, picture this:
written in the leaves of a tree.
The tree being full of colored leaves and blossoms, very beautiful and swirly..
On my left calf. Kind of big, but not huge. It's all still pretty up in the air, but in my mind as well.

What cha think???

Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Katie Gordon
Charlsey Brock
Johna Avis
for the fall baby. It's official.

Last night :
Went to Ginny's last night. Was BEAUTIFUL. Tanderai spoke last night and really hit me. It's been a long time since i have really connected with something i have heard in a "sermon." Tanderai spoke of living in your spirit.
Praying in the spirit.
Walking in the spirit.
and Learning how to separate your spirit from your flesh. 
I love thinking of this. It is a separate thing. functioning in the Spirit is consistent. Functioning in the flesh is inconsistent. I waver and wander when I'm trying to make things work but when I am in the Spirit, I just know what feels right, and what is real. What is a REAL feeling.
The tricky part is learning where your spirit comes in and where you mind comes in. I want to learn how to operate in the spirit at all times. How to separate my mind from my spirit. I want to be able to pray in the spirit at all times and crave spiritual milk. It's happening for me, I just have to keep practicing. 

Let's see, about 2 or 3 months ago maybe?
This dude names Shane gave me some prophetic words that were SO great. I have an entire page of things that he said to me that were CRAZY on. Just to say one thing that was on was this. " colors are going to begin to speak to you. Art and colors will become more vivid and stand out to you in different ways.."  Which has been happening to me within the last 3 weeks more than ever in my life. It is beautiful. I am  living in such a new way lately. In my past i LOVED to journal. I have probably 30 journals all filled from cover to cover. I have always loved and enjoyed expressing my feelings to the Lord in writing to him, but now i cannot get enough time to make art. I desire to paint more than I ever have and i want to create and make things for the Lord. To the Lord in worship. I just like to chill with Jesus as i paint. I can think of him and speak to him. It's nice, and fun too...

So, that's a bit of a recap of things lately. I love you all very much who take time and read this. You take the time to get to know me a bit more. Love. I love you so much.


1 comment:

charlsey said...

: )
amen to all that is in your heart.