Thursday, September 18, 2008

entering real life

Wow. So here is my first blog ever i believe. The reason for this is that i found a really good song today and it made me want to write i suppose. A new friend also told me that i need to come into the 21st century and not think that a computer is just big pieces is plastic and metal. so i guess i'm trying to become better at that and make my life online now. i still think it doesn't really matter because my favorite thing in the world is conversation. It is also a word i like to write, along with beautiful.
I suppose a "blog" is supposed to be all deep and what not. i think that thoughts are deep enough, why do they have to be put into words, why aren't thoughts enough sometimes. but words aren't enough at other times. nothing is enough is how we people think. 
Lately words have actually been enough for me. It's crazy the last few days of my life. I miss a new friend a lot, but i am praying for him right now. He is in such need. i pray he may be content in this season and not ask for more.

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