Monday, September 29, 2008


Hallelujah to my holy King. What a wonderful time i just had with Jesus. This place here in Bethany, Oklahoma is a sacred place. The Lord has promised life for me in this season and it has come today. 
How terrible i thought i felt this afternoon, i did not go to class and slept through this afternoon. After lunch i went back to my room and reminisced on my past and felt very sad and weak. A little later i brought myself to call a friend. No answer.
A little later that friend called back just as the sadness was becoming overwhelming. Then i was able to talk and share my heart with this person. Just as i was struggling so was my friend. We shared our stories and gave encouragement. Lifting up a brother or sister is a gift from the Lord. He has blessed us with conversation.  In closing, we prayed and went our separate ways.
I then proceeded to dinner, had some pizza (yuck) and conversation. After this i went to Tanner's apt., went to Pop's and then to Broadhurst to hang out with some other friends. The enemy keeps trying to tell me that i don't have friends here.  That i don't have anything to do or anyone to hang out with. Jesus please help me to look to you for the people you desire me to get to know more. The one's who are to be close to my heart. Reveal them to me, Let there be more than surface here in this place. I know there is more, YOU have promised me more. Let me find it Jesus. Let me find these people in you.
God thanks for being so cool and letting me find you tonight in the prayer chapel. What a sacred place you have brought me to. Thank you for the kisses you have bestowed upon me. Thank you Lord. The Prayer chapel and I will be having future dates and I know that you will be meeting with us there. Thanks for such an incredibly amazing night. Amen.

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