Monday, January 17, 2011

From Seeds to Trees.

How is it that now I'm realizing everything?
Everything to be realized, I've done it. I know I have.

That's not really true...

But I have realized that it's been almost three and a half years since I was in August 24, 2007.
I can't get this place out my my brains.
Even though I've been everywhere.

It's time to go to
A- town now.

A town is going to be like this:

Filled with music. To be filled with Music. To be filled with Jesus. With the Lord.
To work. ARt work. CREATE. Become more like the King. The CREATOR. To be like the creator, and create as often as possible. To be inspired. To watch documentaries. To Read. To listen. To be in class for the first time in over two years. To dream more dreams in Sufjan. In beautiful color. To lay in the grass. To swing into the sky with Jesus. To be alone. To be with just me. To love the things that have been created here. To grow up. To be more capable. to have opportunity. To travel. To love friends more. Want, Want I want.
So it seems..
This is a semester of growth and knowledge.
The seeds are planted. Now they need harvested and nurtured. Loved and watered.
May they not be neglected or forgotten.
May their roots grow deep and grow up tall into a marvelous Tree.

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